🔵Social & Community
News center 📰
Users are able to quickly catch up on all of the most recent news with the help of the News Center, which does this by aggregating news from the sources of the user's choosing and displaying it on their device screens as soon as the stories are published. Users are able to make adjustments to their favored settings at any time through the settings menu. VIP users, who hold NFTs in the NFTCloud Collection, have access to many additional features, such as personalized content filters and premium news sources. VIP users also have access to the NFTCloud Collection.
Customized alert bots 🤖
We offer integrated bots - a feature that automates several tasks for you, such as alerts when certain conditions are met, keeping track of your money, and automatically trading. VIP users can also create unlimited alerts with more customization options.
Multi-layered KYC 👤
NFTCloud's eKYC solution acts as a third-party KYC to guarantee the projects' authenticity while protecting the project owner's privacy. The identities of the project owners are determined by submitting personal documentation to the NFTCloud automated platform. To confirm the validity of the data submitted, NFTCloud will run it through its network of identity verification partners. The KYC process serves as an entry barrier for developers with questionable reputations, to prevent fraudulent activity on our platform. We will share such information with the proper authorities if there are allegations that the project is rife with fraud or scams.
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